Do You Really Believe the Bible?
June 1
"Do you really believe the Bible?" Is the Bible authoritative and does it command the Christian? Or is scripture only a medicine to be used when needed? These questions and more are explored by Dr. Carlton McLeod during this session of CRCC's 2017 Summer Bible Study.
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Further Reading/References:
"Why I Choose to Believe the Bible" by Dr. Voddie Baucham: video
The Bible - article
Evidence of Biblical Inspiration - article
Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell
Has God Spoken? by Hank Hanegraaff
Do You Really Understand the Spiritual War?
Jun 8
There is no doubt that the spiritual war is real. But how should the Christian engage in an unseen battle? Dr. McLeod examines Daniel 9 and 10 for answers.
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Do You Really Embrace Salvation?
Jun 15
The question sounds simple enough. However, it's worth considering: What is the Gospel? How is one saved? How do the saved manifest their salvation? What is the end of salvation? Let's search the Scriptures for answers!
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Further Reading/References
Do You Really Embrace the Centrality of the Home?
Jun 22
It’s nearly impossible to overestimate the intent, power, and authority of the Christian, godly home. The home is a “biblical jurisdiction” given by God and has certain responsibilities. Join Dr. McLeod in examining how central the home is in life and ministry.
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Have You Really Embraced the Power of Biblical Stewardship?
Jun 29
What is stewardship truly for? Why does the Bible teach hard work, saving, giving, leaving an inheritance, and a cautious view on borrowing? Explore the answers and more with Dr. McLeod during this study!