Sometimes, Right When you Need it....

Right when I needed a confirming, encouraging word, I get this email from a brother in Ohio.  In part, he wrote:

"May you find grace to keep preaching the heart of God to the body of Christ. May you find fresh wind of the Spirit and courage to walk this world in holiness and purity as we await the soon return of our King, Jesus the Messiah.

Unto Him (Jesus) be all glory Honor and Authority forever!! Eph 4:15


So many things to think about, pray about and do. So many competing agendas. So many opinions about EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE.


Need simplicity. Need to refocus. :)

  1. Love Jesus with all my heart, mind and soul and my neighbor. Study and obey His book.  Work hard.
  2. Love family. Love spouse. Love children and disciple them. Protect them at all costs.
  3. Love the church. Build it. Protect it. Serve it. Pray for it. Be quick to repent.
  4. Pray and walk in holiness. Be a good steward.
  5. Preach the Gospel and make disciples with the Holy Spirit’s help.

Realize that I cannot control what others do; can only teach, model, and love.



A Worldview Issue... Among Other Things

I received the below email.  Take a read....

I'm not trying to be political...I'm really not.  And I might contact Senator Warner, but I seriously doubt he'll all of a sudden co-sponser a bill to stop abortion when a child can feel pain.  You know...getting his or her neck severed, burned alive from the inside out, and ripped out of his or her mother's womb to be discarded like trash.  Nope...doubt he'll move one iota.

Why?  Because it's likely that he (and many others) BELIEVES it's right to keep such a thing legal.

I recently attended an Emergency Pastor's Summit in Washington D.C., where pastors and leaders of all ages and ethnicities from around the country gathered to pray and to attempt to discern how we can stop the overwhelming perversion sweeping over the Nation.  Many good things were said and lots of good information was presented.  But as I sat there, one thing became clear to me again...what we are seeing is the result of Worldview.

We are experiencing the massive influence of a secular humanist, pagan, marxist worldview.  From unbelievers this is understandable.  But many times, believers...those saying "Amen!" on Sundays, nevertheless take on a humanist mindset when it's time to fight and advocate.

So what do we do?  First, recover the courage to preach the Gospel in its fullness.  Second, there must be worldview training in our discipleship, preferably flowing out of homes where fervent family discipleship is underway and increasing numbers of fathers are on the wall.  Third, tackle the education issue...where the majority of this humanism (with media a close second) flows into young minds and hearts.

Until this begins to happen on a massive scale (imho), we may or may not win some political and policy battles, but we'll keep losing the bigger spiritual battles generationally.

Thank the LORD that ultimately, He wins, and will make everything right.

Ecclesia Semper Reformanda Est

"Ecclesia Semper Reformanda Est"

This phrase is Latin for "the church is to always be reformed." You also may have read it in a shortened form: Semper Reformanda: "always to be reformed."

Throughout church history, these phrases have simply meant that the church is to always be changing...not towards the world...but reforming biblically: continually getting back to its mandate and prophetic prescriptions. This is exactly what it means to me. Let me explain.

Some people read the Scriptures, study the Scriptures, and maybe even preach the Scriptures...and somehow move FURTHER away from what God is teaching us in His Word. Others read, study, preach, and that study causes them, by God's grace, to move CLOSER to what God is saying. (Not trying to get into the reasons for this in the post.)

In other words, there is often a long trajectory towards compliance or compromise. That curve is rarely linear, but generally from start to finish, there is often a "moving away" or a "move towards" in a life, a ministry, or a generation. We can see this in individuals, churches, whole denominations, and even Nations. Obviously your personal mileage my vary, but I'm speaking generally.

I've lost count as to how many times I have heard people say, "We've got to get back to basics! We've got to go back to the Acts 2, New Testament church!" That's all fine and dandy until...well...its time to actually go back to the Acts 2, New Testament church. :)

In the spirit of Semper Reformanda, I believe the church in her current state of imperfection, should always be striving to bring herself in line with what God has declared in Scripture. The further we move away, the more He is dishonored. If we catch ourselves becoming unloving, we must move swiftly back. When we find ourselves too inwardly focused, we must recover a passion for souls. When we read the Scriptures and see an area of error, we must repent quickly move back in line. When we discover we've adopted a worldly set of guiding principles, we must look again at what God has declared and rebuild foundations!

My personal trajectory is, prayerfully, more towards than away (Please Lord!). I began my ministry pretty young and pretty ignorant. God, in His mercy, continues to "narrow" (word carefully chosen) me concerning essential truths. There are what people consider to be their truths, then there is THE Truth. There are ways and there is His way:

"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." (Matt 7:13-14)

There are also principles and patterns in the Bible, and choosing His when they are given, to me, is the best choice.

So yes, I believe the church should always be reforming...always cutting and chiseling and repenting and going back again and bringing back and fighting against cultural pulls...trying to stay true to God's precepts, principles, and patterns.

Never attempting to add to them (legalism) or minimize them (compromise), the Lord's church should be trying to lovingly hold to what God has said would please Him. I don't think we'll ever get it totally right, but because we love Him, we must try. May our Lord help us succeed more than we fail.

Are you wiling to "always be reforming" towards the Word, to the glory of Christ?