Too Hard Pt 2

Part one is here.

It’s ugly out there.  Politically ugly.  Socially ugly.  Economically ugly.  And even in some cases, ugly in the church…that place where the Scriptures are preached but seldom obeyed, because “that was for then not now.”  (Mercy Lord!! :))


We are looking at the Presidential race and see ugliness.  We are looking at the various laws, vetos, and protests in Georgia and North Carolina and see ugliness.  Family?  Ugly.  Media?  Ugly.  Terror?  Ugly.  Economics?  Ugly.

And yet the things necessary to see change in a generation are barely a focus at all.  Why?  They are too hard.

Yes, we must fight legislatively and legally.  By all means.

But politics is downstream of culture, and we lost the cultural wars quite awhile ago around the family table and in the pulpit and classroom.  Even Christians have fallen for the Isms…marxism, socialism, feminism, etc.

The answers are in the Gospel, and building a life based on Scripture.  They are in the precepts, principles, and patterns of the Holy Word.  For example, “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.”  (Lk 6:40)  At a minimum, to allow our children to be educated by the State and made good marxists by most universities will ensure this all continues.


Too hard.

Too Hard

Although I have no intention on quitting, and although I need to learn to lean further upon the grace of God for strength and stamina, I must admit a certain frustration at times with the way the world is.


Because I'm a sinner!  But also because of this: what we (Christians) must do, by His grace, to turn the tide of evil and wickedness in family and church isn’t that hard to understand.  What I’m realizing is this: for most people, those biblical solutions are simply too hard.

It comes down to this: following the patterns Christ gave us:

  • 2 Timothy 1:13 ESV  Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.

In the same Epistle, Paul mentions it again, but in different way: 

  • 2 Timothy 3:12-17 ESV  Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,  (13)  while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.  (14)  But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it(15)  and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.  (16)  All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,  (17)  that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. (Emphasis mine)

These patterns can be described as:

The fundamental doctrines, expressions, and traditions given to the Church by Christ through the New Testament writers.  

The pattern is simply:

Who Christ intended His church to be, what He intended it to teach, and the way He designed it to operate.  All of this is clearly illustrated in the New Testament.

But this seems too hard too often.  There’s always an excuse as to why the Bible doesn’t apply or why carnality is ok.  Too often, we think we know better than our LORD.

So we continue on…in my view beneath the power and authority we’ve been given by our LORD.

May we repent.  May we run to Christ to find strength and love and obey His wonderful Word.

Part 2 is here

The Eve Controversy

The Eve Controversy

I haven’t watched a full political debate this entire election season.  Last night, I continued that trend during the GOP Debate in New Hampshire.  However, my wife and I did watch a few segments, and we caught the one in which the question was whether women should be forced to register for Selective Service when they turn 18 as must men.  Selective Service, historically, is used when our Nation must draft people to fight in the armed forces.

And we heard, in our opinion (which prayerfully, is informed by the Bible) some VERY shaky answers.

I made this statement in the opening of a recent sermon on the Value and Sanctity of Human Life:

Every woman’s issue is controversial.

Friends, it’s true.  From her hair to keeping her home, her modesty to her meek and quiet manner, her being under headship to her headcovering, it really is true.  Should she have children?  How many?  Should she work outside the home?  Should she homeschool?  Should she be able to abort her own children?  Should she lead men in the church?  Should she take her husband’s last name?  Is keeping a home still important?  Should she dress modestly or are yoga pants ok?  Should she be able to be a SEAL or Army Ranger?  The President?  An Elder or Bishop?  The household breadwinner on purpose (the man voluntarily staying home while she works, not due to a job loss, etc.)?  You name it, and if it is a woman’s issue, there’s some heat to it today, both in the church and without.

Now hear me.  I’m not throwing stones or judging.  This is simply true.  Everything about who she is and what she should or should not do is disputed.

By contrast, most still agree on men’s issues.  Most believe he should work outside the home.  Most still agree he is responsible for providing in some context.  Most still agree he’s suppose to be a warrior, both spiritually and 2am during a bump in the night or on a battlefield in a hostile country.  Most still agree he’s supposed to lead…at least in some way.

But for the precious daughters of Eve, things are not so simple.  The controversy in women’s areas are Promoted by feminism, Perverted by Islam (as one example of perversion), and they Petrify the Church!  Petrify the church?  Yes!  Yet in light of the influence (more like the takeover) of feminism (where God-designed distinctions between the sexes are shunned) and the perversions of Islam in our day (where women are treated horribly, like property), the Church has a marvelous opportunity!

The Church can display for the whole world, God’s loving design for women!  That they be honored and protected!  That although her role is different, she is a joint-heir with men in Christ!  That motherhood is beautiful!  That she is valued and her role as a helper is critical!  That femininity as displayed in Scripture, reflects a heavenly vision!  That she is strong and confident in her LORD and what He has commanded of her!

If Scripture is God’s loving heart towards His people, and if Christ and His Gospel are our lens through which we must see the world, we find that Biblical Womanhood is not only beautiful, but is unveiled and affirmed by God.  If we look only to Scripture, we can see clearly what God wants for His beloved daughters, and everything about that is beautiful.

The question is, “Will we look to the Bible, and look honestly?”

For the record, my wife and I DO NOT want our daughters registering for Selective Service, nor do we want them forward deployed in the sandbox with an M16 on patrol in full battle rattle.

Don’t judge us. ;)