Thoughts About Our Reopening
Hey Saints!
I pray you are all blessed and encouraged in our LORD. He truly loves you and has good things planned for you.
And we love you too!
It is that love that has prompted me to delay the reopening of our in-person services until a later, undetermined time. More specifically:
Our team has looked at the Department of Health statistics as it relates to cases, hospitalizations, and those who have tragically succumbed to COVID-19.
We have considered our Governor’s recent mandate for masks in public and the impact that directive might have on our fellowship in an already challenging environment.
And certainly, we have spoken to some of you and discerned/heard your very understandable discomfort.
Aiming at June 7th has been useful however: it forced us to prepare for live-streaming going forward and to begin putting new cleaning protocols in place. But I just cannot see meeting in person right now with so much uncertainty and trepidation in the minds of so many I love so dearly.
Therefore, we will, by God’s grace, continue our 10am prayer time, followed by our 10:30 singing and preaching on Sunday mornings. The LORD’s Table will be on 1st Sunday’s online (we are also available for drive through’s). The church office will remain open Tuesday-Friday, 9am-4pm.
Our team will continue to pray and seek our LORD’s wisdom and timing, and give our very best to serve you well. Our prayer is that you would understand our hearts, stay connected, stay very involved in the ministry of the church, and get even more excited about sharing what God is doing in our church with others.
Also, there are some things coming soon that we are very excited about, so stay tuned!
You are loved in Jesus, more than we can express!
Your servant,
Carlton C. McLeod