Learning from the Old Testament
August 3
In this study, we begin a brief survey of Old Testament discipline. Biblical discipline in the Old Testament began to take on a congregational feel because God called a unique people to himself. Three instances of congregational discipline will be reviewed; the rebellion at Sinai, the incident at Peor, and the sin in the camp at Ai.
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Learning from the New Testament
August 10
The New Testament also gives clear examples of discipline. In this study, we examine the discipline of Ananias and Sapphira, the discipline of the man in 1 Corinthians 5, and the discipline of the Lord's Churches in Revelation.
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New Testament Discipline Passages
August 17
We have seen clearly the examples of our Lord's discipline in the Old and New Testament. However, are their direct teaching passages that guided the early Church and subsequently us today?
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Putting it All Together?
Aug 24
As we have seen, Christ requires loving correction within the body. Discipline demonstrates Christ's love for us as well as his desire to be glorified among his people. But where do we go from here? In this study, Dr. McLeod discusses four areas of discipline; personal, private, pastoral and public.