Meanwhile from China....

We are very blessed to have a place to worship.  To God be ALL the glory!

Meanwhile in China...

China--Police Break Up Outdoor Worship in Beijing

Police detained and fingerprinted more than 100 members of an unregistered Beijing church on April 10 after the church gathered for worship at an outdoor location near the city's university neighborhood.  The Shouwang Church, which has a congregation of about 1,000, was forced to meet outdoors after being repeatedly denied access to rented space.  The church has faced difficulties with three separate spaces it has tried to use for worship since 2009.  During that time, local authorities pressured the management of two hotels and one building developer to deny the Shouwang Church worship space, leaving them nowhere to meet.  In March, the church made the difficult decision to meet outdoors.  They understood that because of the public nature of their protest, they would likely suffer as a congregation and as individuals.

Please pray for the Shouwang Church as they stand before man and God with clear consciences.  "Pray for us in a loud voice, and raise up hands and pray vigilantly!"

"Used with permission from The Voice of the Martyrs /"

Minister Rodney Wilson