My Letter to Dave Ramsey

This is what I sent Dave last week, along with a clip of CRCC's Debt-Free Scream.  They decided to show it to Dave's whole team! 


Greetings Mr. Ramsey and the whole Lampo crew!

I’d just like to once again, thank you for all you’ve done for me, my family, and our church, and through us, other churches as well. The FPU mindset is catching hold here in Hampton Roads, VA!

Enclosed, you’ll find a short clip of our Debt-Free Scream on May 8, 2011. It was the first service in our new facility which we paid cash for!

After 14 years of renting and believing God, putting people before steeples, and diligently working to help families pay off debt through FPU and Momentum, God blessed us with a 3.5 acres and a nice facility to minister to our 500 member congregation and our community.

After becoming debt free and seeing so many others become debt free in our church, I knew it could be done.  God’s principles are true!  Since our church has never borrowed a dime, we’ve been able to help so many spiritually and financially, included lots of missions support (we have an orphanage in Cambodia) and support to single moms and children.  So stay encouraged friends.  You are making a real, Kingdom impact around the world!

And to Dave Ramsey….from reading your TMMO book many years ago (at the begging of my lovely wife), to having the honor of being on the 700 club with you, to meeting you again at your first Momentum training a couple of years ago…brother…honestly…I simply love you.  And Donna and I, with all our hearts, praise God for you.  May Christ continue to richly bless the work of your hands. Love ya Dave!!!


Dr. Carlton C. McLeod
Senior Pastor