A Loss for Words

In light of all going on in the wake of Hurricane Irene (and btw, our thoughts and prayers are for all those suffering through the loss of life and property on the East Coast), it seemed appropriate to post the below.  My dear friend, Minister Rodney Wilson, sent it to me this morning....


"t's truly amazing.  We have never "seen" the Lord. Unlike Moses, we have never witnessed the burning bush, or were hidden behind a rock just to see the backside of God.  Like Elijah, we’ve never seen the Lord pass by in wind or fire.  But we still see the Lord in all of creation.  If great design implies a great designer, then we can see the Lord in all things.

This earth is just a shadow of how great and vast God truly is.  We see beauty in the sunrise; Godly forgiveness when we forgive each other; great intelligence in the design of the human brain; perfect timing when the rain falls during the drought and grace to keep going when the rain never comes. How much more is God’s beauty, forgiveness, wisdom, sovereignty and grace when we meet him face to face? If we can understand the strength and power of the sun, how much greater is the strength and power of its creator?

If we believe the Lord provides our needs for us here on earth, what must his provision be like in Heaven? If we believe the Lord “got us out of a jam” in this world, what must total salvation and rest feel like when he returns for us? If Moses could only see God’s holiness in the form of a burning bush, how much more holy is God when we meet him? If Moses had to hide behind a rock and only see God’s backside because of God’s purity, how much more pure and perfect will God be when he returns?

We will not see God face to face until he chooses to return. However, if you’re like me and you want to imagine what our maker must be like, multiply what you know of God by infinity and you just might scratch the surface of the answer. God is unlimited, unhindered, all powerful, completely perfect, all wise, all knowing, loves us perfectly and judges us righteously.

And to think that even the language we use to describe him is supremely inadequate to the reality that is God!


Minister Rodney Wilson