
Based on the Biblical Vision for Family and Church we shared on Sunday, Dec 28, 2014, here are 20 IMAGINE Resolutions.  To me, they are not just for 2015; they are for life!

1.       Resolved, to love Christ with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength.

2.       Resolved, to spend time in personal devotions, prayer, and worship.

3.       Resolved, to build a life based on the Gospel, with a growing understand of my sin and His grace.

4.       Resolved, to self-govern according to the Scriptures.  I will obey what He has commanded; this is my loving response to my loving God.

5.       Resolved, to worship the Lord on the Lord’s Day; to be faithful to the local church and to serve it with my time, talents, and treasure.  Resolved to hold others accountable and to be open to correction.

6.       Resolved, to pray for the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and to not grieve Him.

7.       Resolved, to encourage the saints and to speak those things beneficial for their growth.

8.       Resolved, to preach the Gospel and make disciples.

9.       Resolved, to fight against ungodliness, to protect marriage, to take care of widows and orphans, to fight for the unborn, and to work to eliminate oppression.

10.   Resolved, to walk systematically through Scripture, to declare the whole counsel of God, and to seek to worship Him biblically.

11.   Resolved, to worship with my family, and encourage others to do so as they are willing.

12.   Resolved, to apply biblical stewardship to my life, and to encourage others to do the same.

13.   Resolved, to save, give, and invest; to build an inheritance for my children and their children, to work towards the fulfillment of the Dominion Mandate.

14.   Resolved, to work hard for my family.

15.   Resolved, to pursue personal holiness; to refuse to hurt those I love with my own unrighteousness.

16.   Resolved, to love and be faithful to my spouse, and to disciple my children.

17.   Resolved, to be consistent in family worship.

18.   Resolved, to speak loving and kind words to my spouse, to repent when I’m wrong; to pray for her.

19.   Resolved, to be hospitable; to build a welcoming home where the Gospel can be shared and the love of Christ displayed.

20.   Resolved, to live a life different from the culture; one dedicated to Christ.

May these bless you next year and beyond!  Amen!