6am Prayer Day 2

LORD and King,

I come to you this morning with the children and younger people of CRCC in my heart. I set them before you…from the unborn and suckling babe to the most mature teen.  

Oh LORD, Thou hast been so good to them.  Thou hast created them.  Thou hast taught them.  Thou hast made us, their parents, aware of the immense responsibility set before us…to oversee and shepherd precious and eternal souls made in Your image!

And we are so grateful for them!  Your Word declares that children are a blessing from Thee, that happy and blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them!

Master, Thou hast commanded that the children of the covenant, children with Christian parents, be taught the things of God.  Thou hast commanded that they be instructed diligently, as we sit in our homes, as we walk with them by the way, as we lie down, and when we rise.  Help us obey Thee!!!!

LORD, Thy Word shows the pattern of worshipping with them, walking with them, singing with them, and serving with them. LORD, never let us forget that each crying baby among us is a joy…that each precious noise we hear reminds us of Thy love and faithfulness!  Each talk with a teen is a privilege!  Each time of family prayer makes heaven smile!  Each time of discipline flows from love and a desire to see hearts change!

But Jesus, we also know that the enemy of our souls seeks to destroy the seed.  We know the devil hates our children.  We know he has concocted an all encompassing worldly net to teach them things contrary to Thy Word…a net that is woven through so much of contemporary life.

Oh LORD, rebuke him.  Stop the plan of the enemy to teach, confuse, trap, and kill our children.  Protect them oh LORD from perversions, lies about who they are, depression and despair, evil media, and ungodly worldviews.  May our homes and our church be cities of refuge!

Help us to see that as parents, we must watch and pray.  We must be mindful that our children, who might know Scripture and be familiar with the things of God, might yet be unredeemed.  

Help us continue to preach the Gospel in our homes!  Help us to keep checking fruit!  Help us to be faithful in discipling them! Help us to pray for them continually, set them before Thy Word continually, and nurture them!  Help us to love them as Thou hast loved them!

Precious LORD, open our hearts even more for hurting children, both down the street and around the world.  So many need a father and mother.  A big sister or brother.  Show us the children who are starving, lost, desperate, angry, and crying out.  Help us protect the children who may be aborted.  Move us to action.

These and so many other things we ask, in Jesus’ Name.
