Expanded Plays: We Need them Now!

As I write, it is the Summer of 2021. the Taliban have taken over Afghanistan. Haiti is starting the long, arduous process of recovering from a massive earthquake. The United States is shaking its fist at God, reveling in perversity, gender-madness, and ethnic battles. And COVID looks as if it will be a part of our future for many months (if not years) to come, one way or another.

Most students of Scripture would confess that things have been on a worsening trajectory. Five years ago, in 2016, I wrote:


  • Sodomite “marriage” has become legal across the Nation, with a sitting U.S. President lighting up the White House in rainbow colors to celebrate.

  • We’ve been overrun by the transgender phenomena, including federal pressure for transgender bathrooms in public schools, and the widespread agreement with these perversions from popular entertainers, professional sports leagues, and Fortune 500 companies.

  • Racial animosity has reached a fever pitch, reminiscent of the 1960s.

  • Substantial unrest and even rioting, surrounding cultural and political events, have been common in U.S. cities.

  • The U.S. National Debt is $19.3 trillion dollars and rising...an additional trillion dollars since reported in The Playbook (Chapter 7).

  • ISIS and other elements of radical Islam continue to crucify and pillage in the Middle East, and inspire terrorist attacks in other
    places (Paris, San Bernardino, Orlando, etc.).

  • Incredibly, there has been a nuclear “deal” with Iran, while the U.S.
    relationship with its military ally in the region, Israel, continues to deteriorate.

  • Europe has been overrun with refugees, from mostly muslim countries, with unrest and increased crime in places as a result.

  • A Supreme Court Justice, who happened to be a firm defender of the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms), died suddenly.

  • Our Nation has endured the heartbreak of additional mass shootings.


In response to all these things back then, I suggested a path forward through the chaos, based on the Five Strategic Plays in my book The Playbook. I called them, “The Expanded Plays.”  I reread them today. They seem as relevant now as they did then:

Expanded Plays in Detail: 12 Action Steps 

  1. Attend and serve a Bible-believing, Bible-teaching church where the sufficiency of Scripture is upheld and the love of God is manifest.

  2. Be faithful in personal devotions and family worship.

  3. Preach the Gospel and hand out tracts whenever you can.

  4. Remove your children from government schools and liberal colleges.

  5. Engage in the disciple-making process in your own home and sphere of influence. Be committed to disciple your children.

  6. Get out of debt, store up some cash and basic necessities, and untether as much as possible from worldly provision. Be prepared to be generous as well.

  7. Turn off carnal entertainment, but stay aware of current local and national events.

  8. Purchase at least one handgun and one rifle or shotgun and learn to use them responsibly and well. Conceal carry wherever you can.

  9. Vote for people who follow Christ, believe the Bible, and will defend biblical marriage and life.

  10. Serve your community in some way, at least on a monthly basis.

  11. Serve the world in some way; be personally involved in foreign missions.

  12. Model modesty in dress, speech, thought, and action in this immodest culture. Be an example of day-to-day righteousness. Be a light!

I’m not saying this list is perfect. Its author certainly isn’t. I also acknowledge that there is disagreement on some of the points among sincere believers. 

Today, I would probably add to this list an increased emphasis on building strong, healthy households (a point covered in The Playbook, and in much detail here) and building robust Christian communities. We are going to need one another more and more.

May the LORD Jesus help us in the days to come and grant us wisdom from above.
